Who Are We?
We are Silvie and Nicola...
Sound Waves Foundation was born out of the need and want to celebrate differences.
Deafness, to us, is not disability: it is deafability.
We want to empower deaf children and young adults so that they can achieve their true potential in education and life, to blast them towards a future full of possibilities.
We don’t believe in labels, barriers or walls but in ambition, experiences and growth.
Using technology to aid learning, experiences to feed passion and understanding to support inclusion, our sonic boomers will soar into the future!
There are diverse groups that deaf people associate themselves with and are part of. They are diverse in culture, beliefs and means of communication.
Some people use Sign Language, others use speech with clever tech and/or laser-eyed Lip Reading skills. Some people use a combination or even all of the above, depending on what suits best in the given situation. You might say they are some kind of communication chameleon experts!
By no means do we claim that one is better than the other. However, the work and campaigns of Sound Waves Foundation will focus on speech and caption as the primary means of communication where we feel we can make a difference.
Every one of us is different in some way, but for those of us who are more different, we have to put more effort into convincing the less different that we can do the same thing they can, just differently.
Marlee Matlin – Deaf Actress, Author, Activist
Our Funders and Partners